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发表于 2007-4-21 23:05:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-21 22:23:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 网上闲转,看见惠特尼的照片.有些心疼.不知道她戒毒成功了没有?.在博客中添了的音乐盒里添加了几首她演唱的歌曲,都是自己喜欢的主题曲。也算是对她的音乐作品做一个回顾吧。 [em45]

    听惠特尼的歌曲,我的心底有莫名的感动.莫名的激情澎湃. 最初吸引我的歌是<i will always love you >,接下来一发不可收拾...

     极少人能预见到惠特尼的银屏处女作The Bodyguard(《保镖》)会一炮走红 ——当然这其中男主角凯文·科斯特纳(Kevin Costner)的绿叶衬红花功不可没 ——而影片的电影原声带也水涨船高卖了个满堂彩。那首最为著名的翻唱自Dolly Parton的“I Will Always Love You”在各大榜单上高居首位达15周之久,专辑更在唱片销量榜榜首雄霸20周,最终卖出1500万张,并获得格莱美最佳年度专辑大奖。

i will always love you 

If I should stay.如果我留下来。
I would only be in Ur way.我会成为你的羁绊。
So I'll go.所以我离去。
But I know.但我知道。
I'll think of U every step of the way.我每迈出的一步都会想着你。

And I will always love U ! 于是我将永远爱你!
I will always love U ! 我将永远爱你!
U,my darling U ! 你,我亲爱的宝贝!
Bitter sweet memories.苦涩而甜蜜的回忆。
That is all I'm taking with me.是我带走的唯一东西。
So goodbye,please don't cry.再见吧,请不要哭泣。
We both know I'm not what U need.我们彼此都知道我不是你所需。
作者:孤魂野鬼 QQ:
I hope life treats U kind.我希望生活能善待你。
And I hope U have all U dreamed off.希望你好梦成真。
And I wish 2 U joy & happiness.祝愿你美满幸福。
But above all this I wish 2 U love.更要祝福你找到真爱。
Daring I love U ! 亲爱的,我爱你!
Always love U ! 永远爱你!

Waiting To Exhale(O.S.T) 1995

  由Babyface一手包办的又一张电影原声专辑,惠特尼演唱了其中的3首作品,热门单曲“Exhale(Shoop Shoop)”连续8周高居美国Billboard排行榜榜首位置。

Exhale [em45]

Everyone falls in love sometime
Sometimes it's wrong
And sometimes it's right
For every win
Someone must fail
But there comes a point when
When we exhale (yeah, yeah, say)
Shoop, Shoop, Shoop
Shoo Be Doop Shoop Shoop (yeah)
Shoo Be Doop Shoop Shoop
(All you got to say is shoo be doop)
Shoo Be Doop Shoop Shoop
Shoo Be Doop Shoop Shoop
(Shoo be doop)
Shoo Be Doop Shoop Shoop
Shoo Be Doop Shoop Shoop
Shoo Be Doo
Sometimes you'll laugh
Sometimes you'll cry
Life never tells us
The when's or why's
When you've got friends to wish you well
You'll find a point when
You wille exhale (yeah, yeah, say)
Shoop, Shoop, Shoop
Shoo Be Doop Shoop Shoop
Shoo Be Doop Shoop Shoop
(shoo shoo shoo huh)
Shoo Be Doop Shoop Shoop
Shoo Be Doop Shoop Shoop (Shoo be)
Shoo Be Doop Shoop Shoop
Shoo Be Doop Shoop Shoop
(say shoo-hoo say sho)
Shoo Be Doo (be doo oh)
Hearts are often broken
When there are words unspoken
In your soul there's
Answers to your prayers
If you're searching for
A place you know
A familiar face
Somewhere to go
You should look inside yourself
You're halfway there
Shoo Be Doop Shoop Shoop


The Preacher’s Wife(O.S.T) 1996

  这部电影翻拍自1947年的名作“The Bishop’s Wife”,成为惠特尼演艺事业的又一新高,随之发行的电影原声专辑中这位女歌手也相应的演绎起了与教堂福音音乐。“我音乐生涯的起点是福音音乐,这是让我感觉最舒适的一种音乐”,Whitney如是说。不过和她最拿手的灵魂乐相比,这张专辑较之《保镖》原声专辑仍有一定距离。

My Love Is Your Love 1998

  My Love Is Your Love是惠特尼在过足了影瘾之后的第一张录音室专辑,距上张专辑I’m Your Baby Tonight整整八年。

  这张专辑中呈现出的是一个双面惠特尼,一面是Babyface操刀下典型而流畅的灵魂乐,一面是Wyclef Jean,Lauren Hill,Missy Elliot这些在80年代绝难和Whitney联系在一起的生力军所打造的说唱舞曲。这张专辑给人的最大惊喜就是这种快板和中拍的舞曲。正如《新闻周刊》所评价的,“惠特尼的嗓子是一个宝藏,只有最棒的R&B和Hip-hop明星们才能照亮她。”

(clap your hands, yall its alright....)
If tomorrow is judgement day (sing mommy)
And I'm standin' on the front line
And the Lord ask me what I did w/ my life
I will say I spent it withyou
If I wake upin WW 3
I see destruction and poverty
And I feel like I want to go home
It's okay if youcommin' with me
Cause your love is my love
and my love is your love
It would take an eternity to break us
And the chains of Amistad couln't hold us
If I lose my fame and fortune
And I'm homeless on the street
And I'm sleepin' in Grand Central Station
It's okay if you're sleepin' with me
As the years they pass us by
we stay young through eachother's eyes
And no matter how old we get
It's okay as long as I got you babe
If I should die this very day
Don't cry, cause on earth we wasn't meant to stay
And no matter what people say
I'll be waiting for you after jusdement day

Whitney The Greatest Hits 2000

  对于步入人生低谷,婚姻和个人生活的负面报道频频出现的惠特尼来说,这张收录了36首曲目的双CD来得恰是时候,全方位的总结了她15年的单飞历程。除了历张专辑中的名曲“Saving All My Love For You”,“Didn’t We Almost Have It All”,“Exhale(Shoop Shoop)”等,还收录了这位R&B第一女唱将与Deborah Cox, George Michael,Enrique Iglesias的最新对唱。

Saving All My Love For You [em45]


Just Whitney 2002[em45]

  这是惠特尼与老公Bobby Brown分道扬镳后重新拾起演唱事业的一张唱片。惠特尼唱功犹存,新老搭档亦风雨同舟,Kevin Briggs,Babyface,Teddy Bishop 以及Troy Taylor的倾力相助令专辑增色不少。

One Wish --- The Holiday Album 2003

  2003年冬天,惠特尼推出这张回归音乐本质、融合经典圣诞歌曲与全新创作曲的圣诞专辑,全碟充满了流畅悦耳的旋律和暖洋洋的氛围。在乐迷耳熟能详的“Little Drummer Boy”中,惠特尼与女儿小芭比温馨合唱,其间穿插着与灵魂乐美声Sharlott Gibson的精彩对飙,委实精彩万分。特地为专辑量身打造的全新单曲“One Wish(For Christmas)”则洋溢着浪漫幸福的氛围,惠特尼也展现了许久不见的高亢假音。

  这张专辑是惠特尼在寒冷冬日里最真诚温暖的祝福,正如她在“One Wish”歌中所唱的:“如果我许下一个圣诞心愿,那就是全人类的欢乐、和平与团结!”

One Wish [em45]


(Oooh oooh oooh oooh)
If there were no presents
Waiting on Santa´s sleigh
What would I wish for Christmas
And if Frosty the Snowman
Were melting away
I would pray for hope and unity
On Christmas day
If I had one wish for Christmas
There would be joy
And peace here on earth
If I had one wish for Christmas this year
We would all come together as one
If Rudolph and his reindeer
Ran into delays
I´d still hope for joy this season
And if somehow Santa got lost on his way
I would try to find a way to smile
Smile on Christmas day
You know it ain´t about
All those material things (no no)
What you´ve gotta think about
Is the love Christmas brings (yeah)
Chorus 2x


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