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宣德炉图谱 选自

发表于 2005-6-18 18:51:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


  又称“蜒蚰耳炉”,仿自宋代定窑的作品。宣德皇帝十分青睐,将此炉作为书房内的御用炉品并分赐诸王府,此炉受重视的程度可见一斑。《宣德鼎彝谱》更是盛赞此炉 “款制大雅,为诸炉之冠。”蚰龙耳除了以朴素的圆弧握把象征龙身外,炉身的线条,有苑若半截葫芦般简洁利落。沉稳大雅的造型及玲珑有致的曲线,都足以令人久视而不生厌。在今日,不论是用来供置神案,客厅办公装饰,还是摆设在书斋、居室等处,均能营造出特殊迷人的氛围,令人摒息沉醉。

You-Dragon-Ear Censer, also called TingYou-Ear Censer , is the copy of a censer made at the Ding Kiln during the Song Dynasty. Emperor XuanDe liked this censer very much. He used it in his study and gave it to the royal family. That shows the degree to which the Emperor emphasized this censer. The Chronicle of XuanDe Ding and Yi highly praises this censer as having an elegant form and tops all the censers . This censer, in addition to the simple arc that symbolizes the dragon body, also has clean lines, each looking like a Hu Lu cut into halves horizontally. It has a sturdy yet elegant shape and lovely lines, so the longer you look at it, the more you would like it. Nowadays, it can be used for sacrifices, or as a decorative article in the sitting room or office, or placed in your study or living room, etc. Everywhere it can create an especially charming atmosphere that makes you hold your breath and lost in it.

 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-18 18:51:00 | 显示全部楼层



Double-Fish-Ear Censer, which is the copy of a censer made at the Guan Kiln during the Song Dynasty. The Chronicle of XuanDe Ding and Yi highly praises this censer as having an elegant form and tops all the censers . The ears of this censer are somewhat similar with those of the Ji-ear censer, except that the end of each ear of the Double-Fish-Ear censer branches off to symbolize the fishtail. This is where the Double-Fish-Ear censer differs most from the Ji-Ear censer. What does the double-fish ear mean on earth? Some people say it refers to Treasured Fish , one of the Eight Treasures of Buddhism (also called the Eight Good Fortunes ), and some people say it means Making Love , which can to some extent explains the fact that Emperor XuanDe used this censer mostly in his living room. It is all right to use this censer as an article for appreciation. However, it might be profane to place it before the tablets for ancestors and/or the Buddhist.

 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-18 18:52:00 | 显示全部楼层



Bridge-Ear Censer, also called Peacock-Eye-Ear Censer , is the copy of a censer by Madame Jiang of the South Song Dynasty. According to the Chronicle of XuanDe Ding and Yi, this censer implies the situation of students sitting around an arc-shape bridge listening to a great scholar (such as the Minister of Education at that time) giving a lecture. So, this censer has a far-reaching implication and should have been intended for use by educators in ancient times. In our time, the word bridge has implies media, so, nowadays, this censer can be applied not only to the education industry, but also to any other industry that has the communicating function of media, such as trade, brokerage, media, etc.

 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-18 18:52:00 | 显示全部楼层


Lion-Head-Ear Censer. This censer was used by Emperor XuanDe as gift to military officials, such as the Minister of War, Commander in Chief, etc. Because the lion is the King of Animals and every animal subject itself to the lion at the sight of the latter, it was the most suitable to give this censer to a Commander in Chief, who had the responsibility to proclaim the dignity of the emperor, defeat the enemy and command the army. Now, in addition to the military people, any police agencies, leaders in politics and business and scholars can use this censer. At the same time, because, as stated in Buddhist canons, Wenshu (Manjusri Bodhisattva) rides on a lion, so this censer can also used for sacrifices to Buddha.

 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-18 18:52:00 | 显示全部楼层



Plain Round Ding Censer, also called Plain-Bellied Ding Censer , is a Ding whose shape is similar to that of a censer, except that it has long legs and on the belly there are patterns intended for special purposes. So this censer has limited applications. Because of the round belly without patterns, the Plain Round Ding Censer has clean lines that are simple and elegant, which meets the requirements for solemnity. So this censer is deeply loved by the later generations. It can be placed not only before the tablets for Buddha and ancestors, but also in studies and offices.

 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-18 18:53:00 | 显示全部楼层


Ji-Ear Censer. There are two explanations regarding the origin of this censer, one being that it is the copy of a porcelain censer of the Song Dynasty, one being that it is the copy of a censer in Shaoxing Collection of Antiques. Some people say that it was used for sacrifices to the Door God or that Emperor XuanDe gave it to the Minister of Justice. Think that Ji was an ancient weapon used for national defense, so was suitable for the Door God who guarded the door and for the Minister of Justice who applied laws for the stability of the country. So, nowadays it is all right for judges and layers to use this censer.

 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-18 18:53:00 | 显示全部楼层


Bowl-like Censer. It is a copy of the big lacquer-filled bowl of the Song Dynasty. The bowl is one of the basic utensils used by Buddhists. It is stated in Buddhist canons that Buddha holds the bowl and widely spreads seeds of fortune, so Emperor XuanDe gave this censer to temples all across the country. This censer has very beautiful lines that can create an atmosphere of deepness and remoteness typical of a Buddhist temple. So this censer is the best for Buddhist temples nowadays.

 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-18 18:53:00 | 显示全部楼层


Ya Jing Censer is the copy of a censer produced by the Ding Kiln of the Song Dynasty. It is also a utensil used by the Buddhists. It has two kinds, one being long-legged, other being short-legged. Besides, it has an offspring called the Qin Censer . Because of the elegant shape of this censer, it has been widely copied by Buddhist temples in later generations and become a utensil specially designed for Buddhism.

 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-18 18:54:00 | 显示全部楼层



Bamboo Node Censer, also called Bamboo Root Censer, is a copy of the Ding Kiln of the Song Dynasty. Its use cannot be traced. Think that nowadays art lovers like bamboo nodes, so this censer has the implications of such good fortunes as integrity , promotion , etc. So it is suitable for people with high moral standards, art lovers and those people who want power and money.

 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-18 18:55:00 | 显示全部楼层



Fazhan Censer. It is divided into three types, i.e. Yanlin, Xuanzhu and Lianzhu, all of which are copies of the styles produced by the Shufu Kiln of the Yuan Dynasty. Fazhan is used by Daoists when they are using magic, so Emperor XuanDe gave this censer to Daoist temples all across the country. The shape looks like the lovely hoof of a horse. Those who love the magic of Daoism love this censer.

 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-18 18:55:00 | 显示全部楼层



Fa Barrel Censer, also called Barrel Censer , is divided into Nine-Yuan-Three-Ji Censer , Three Yuan Taiji Censer , Lion-head Three Yuan Censer , Nine-hoop Censer , etc, is a barrel-like censer. Whether it has three to nine protruding lines on the body or it has the lion head, it is always a form of the barrel. Because it has a very deep belly, it can hold a lot of ashes of incense so that incense sticks can stay firmly in the censer. Nowadays incense sticks are very popular, so Fa Barrel Censer has a much more practical value than any other categories. At the same time, according to the number of protruding lines on the censer body, it is also called Think Nine Times , Think Three Times, etc, so it encourages people to think before taking any actions.

 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-18 18:55:00 | 显示全部楼层



Kui-Dragon-Ear Censer. Each handle of this censer has the shape of a dragon's head and an arc-like handle drops down from the mouth of the dragon to connect with the belly of the dragon. Under the ear there is a hanging block. This censer was copied in porcelain during the Jiajing Reign of the Ming Dynasty. Emperor XuanDe gave it to the Minister of Rites, which sufficiently shows the high status of this censer. Even today, it is well worth collecting or being used to hold sacrifices.

 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-18 18:56:00 | 显示全部楼层



Court-Cap-Ear Censer, also called Judge-Ear Censer , is the copy of a censer made by Madame Jiang of the South Song Dynasty. Emperor XuanDe gave it to Zhanshi Office, Hanlin Academy, etc. Because Court Cap is in itself a symbol of good fortune, i.e. the Promotion in Rank , and the form of the two caps pointing to the sky is very lovely and unique, so, for anyone who hopes for higher-level education or position, this censer not only implies good fortune, but also beautifies the scene.

 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-18 18:56:00 | 显示全部楼层



Drum-like Censer. Some think it is the copy of a censer produced by Dongci during the Song Dynasty, while some think it is the cast copy of an ancient utensil. It looks like a drum and, in addition, has nail-like decorations on the censer body. During the reign of Emperor XuanDe, it was mainly used to hold sacrifices to flags in the royal palace or to gods in temples. What is wonderful about this censer is its drum-like body, which is very elegant and takes you back to ancient times. So it is suitable for use in studies and sitting rooms.

 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-18 18:56:00 | 显示全部楼层


Rope-Ear Censer. This is a copy of the GeYan censer made by Madame Jiang of the South Song Dynasty. Emperor XuanDe placed it in the God's Room of the Qianqing Palace to hold sacrifices to his ancestors. The smaller version of this censer is very full and powerful in shape. The lines on its belly are very soft and smooth.

 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-18 18:57:00 | 显示全部楼层



Orange-Bag Censer. This is the copy a style made by Madame Jiang of the South Song Dynasty. It was used to hold the foods and oranges for Emperor XuanDe. This censer was not much valued in the past, so now it is a rare style. The orange-like shape is very round and lovely, good for eyes.

 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-18 18:57:00 | 显示全部楼层



Quadrangular Censer. It is also called the Rectangular -manger Censer . In casting censers, Emperor XuanDe always stuck to the principle of Round Heaven and Square Earth , namely round censers for Heaven and square censers for Earth. Few rectangular censers are available now. It is a good censer for the City God, Earth God and ancestors.

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