厦门小弟 发表于 2005-12-25 19:36:00

[转帖]理解和应对 “鼻水综合症” 甲骨文爬虫爱好者之家

<P>Understanding and Coping with Runny Nose Syndrome (RNS)   M.Corton <BR>理解和应对 “鼻水综合症”</P>
<P>RNS is not a disease, but rather a term used to describe a bacterial/fungal/viral infection with one or more of a wide variety of organisms. It can occur in any species, but seems to be prevalent in Geochelone Pardalis, the Leopard tortoise. It can occur at any time of the year, can be fairly difficult to spot in the early stages, and has a nasty habit of recurring. Any animal that has been infected can, and often does, become a carrier. He may not display any symptoms, but can infect any tortoise that comes into contact with him. Leopard tortoises are the worst affected, perhaps because of their size, nutritional state and a general inability to cope with our humidity and dampness. Those that recover often relapse, especially if treatment is stopped because "he seems much better now". <BR>RNS不是一种疾病,更准确的解释是“细菌、真菌、病毒引起的感染”。它可能在任何种类的龟中发生,但是在豹龟中更为普遍和流行。RNS在一年的任何时候都可能发生,很难治疗并且容易复发。任何被感染的动物,都很容易会转化为肺炎。它可能没有任何症状,并且可能感染任何种类的和它接触的动物。豹龟最容易收到感染。可能与他们的大小,营养结构,和我们提供的过高的湿度有关。当症状消失而停止治疗时,症状很容易复发。<BR>RNS is more common in large and mixed collections, and can spread alarmingly quickly if prompt action is not taken. Never ignore a runny nose in the hope that it will clear "when the weather improves". If no treatment is obtained, RNS can develop into chronic or acute pneumonia which can be extremely difficult to cure. Quite often stomatitis accompanies RNS which can complicate matters even further. Obviously you have no control over airborne germs, however, you can control other factors that may predispose your tortoise to infection: <BR>RNS在大规模的混养中很常见,如果没有及时的治疗,它能以惊人的速度传播。永远不要忽略任何流鼻涕的龟,不要认为它可以随着天气变化而该善。如果没有得到正确的治疗,RNS很可能发展成慢性或急性肺炎,那是非常难治愈的。急性口腔炎经常伴随RNS发生,使治疗变得很复杂。你不能控制空气中的细菌,但你可以控制其他因素,预防你的龟被感染。<BR>There are several factors that can increase the chances of your tortoisegetting RNS - dusty conditions, foreign bodies lodging in the nostrils, inappropriate humidity or temperature, lack of sunlight and the accompanying dampness, confinement in damp grassed areas with no access to sand, overcrowding, malnutrition, stress, and a deficiency of vitamin A. <BR>有些因素会增加患RNS的几率:充满灰尘的环境,鼻孔处的外来寄生物,不合适的温度或湿度,缺乏日晒和相应的潮气, 关在潮湿的草丛里,不能接触到沙地,过渡拥挤的环境,营养失调,过分紧张,缺乏维生素A。 </P>
<P>Prevention: (预防)<BR>Ensure that your animal has a healthy diet rich in vitamin A - foods that are high in this vitamin include dandelion, all the pumpkin/butternut family and carrots. If you are unable to supply the food he needs, a good supplement containing this vitamin will be needed. A slow conversion to a "natural" diet will go a long way in keeping your tortoise healthy. Tortoises love "junk" food in the same way that humans are addicted to hamburgers and hot-dogs. In supplying him with a pile of readily accessible kitchen food you are doing a lot of harm. <BR>确认你的动物摄取足够的维生素A。含丰富维生素A的植物有:蒲公英,南瓜、白胡桃类植物。如果你不能提供他们需要的食物,需要好好补充含有这些维生素的添加剂。慢慢转化成自然饮食,有助于你的龟龟长期保持健康。龟龟和人类钟爱汉堡和热狗一样,钟爱垃圾食品。长期提供你在厨房加工过的食物,对龟龟来说是有损害的。<BR>Think about it for a moment, in the wild he has to sometimes walk several miles in a day to obtain all the food he needs, but the food he does get is geared to supplying his system with all it needs. When he has this pile of "easy" food put in front of him, naturally he will eat it. But, he will lack the exercise he used to get searching for food and his metabolism will slow down. Nutrients (the few that there are in the <BR>usual "kitchen" food) will be poorly utilized, and will not supply all the minerals and vitamins he needs to stay healthy.Malnutrition is insidious, you cannot easily detect it from the outside, it does not kill overnight, your tortoise seems okay.You go to bed at night feeling good - "My tortoise ate a good meal today!".Over the years the damage creeps on, undetected, and the problem ignored. Your tortoise lies around all day sunbathing, eating, sleeping - seemingly healthy, when in reality his body is slowly deteriorating to a point where things start going radically wrong. If, or more likely when disease strikes, your tortoise has more chance of dying than one who is active all day seeking out natural food. <BR>想一想,龟龟在野外会一天行走数英里去寻找它需要的食物,但这些食物会供给它生命系统的所需的所有物质。当人工环境下的龟龟食用这些摆在面前且容易得到的食物时,自然的他们会吃的。但是,他会缺乏过去找寻食物时的锻炼,他们的新陈代谢会减慢。饲料的营养不容易被吸收,他们不能得到足够的矿物质和维生素来维持生命健康。营养不良是看不见的杀手,你很难从外表发现,这也不会一夜间要了龟龟的命,你的龟龟看上去可能还不错。你睡觉的时候可能还感觉很好:“我的龟龟今天吃的不错!”。 几年下来,伤害累积着而没有被发现,错误被忽略了。你的龟整天无所事事的晒太阳,吃饭,睡觉-看上去很健康,实际上他的身体已经在不断慢慢的变糟,直至非常严重。一旦你的龟龟生病,你的龟龟的死亡几率会大大超过那些有活力,习惯自己寻找食物的龟龟的。<BR>This active tortoise will have muscles that are firm and strong, his metabolism will be functioning in top gear, and his vitamin/mineral intake sufficient to ensure that his immune system gives him sound protection against invasion of disease causing organisms. A tortoise suffering from malnutrition has no such protection against disease, he has no defenses left to fight invaders, and will often succumb to a minor infection. <BR>这些有活力的龟龟,有坚实有力的肌肉,他的新陈代谢机能会非常好,维生素、矿物质的摄入量也很充足,这些会大大增强龟龟的免疫系统给他自己足够的保护。营养不良的龟龟在疾病面前没有这样的保护,他们没法抵抗细菌,很小的感染就会要了他们的命。<BR>Do not add any new tortoise to your existing collection without a quarantine period - 6 months is recommended. Your new tortoise may have had RNS and may now be a carrier. There is no way of identifying a carrier with any certainty. <BR>不要把新龟和你已经有的龟龟混养,除非经过6个月的检疫期。你的新龟可能患有RNS或者携带细菌。没有方法100%确认你的新龟不是个带菌者。<BR>Avoid stress - dogs or other animals worrying your tortoise, overcrowding, competition/aggression from other tortoises, children allowed to "play" with the animal - even inadequate feeding is stressful. Stress causes a number of biochemical changes in the animal, among them the production of steroids which in turn suppresses the immune system - such animals are more likely to succumb to an infection than a healthy non stressed tortoise exposed to the same infectious agent. Stress is almost impossible to detect until it is too late, and can have serious long term effects on the general health and resistance of the animal. <BR>减小干扰-狗或其他动物会打搅你的龟龟。龟龟过分拥挤,竞食,相互攻击,小孩玩弄龟龟都会增加龟龟的压力。压力会给动物造成一系列的生物化学变化,一切这些会产生类固醇降低动物的免疫系统――有很大压力的动物更容易被感染。往往发现龟龟压力的时候已经太晚了,会给动物的健康和抵抗力带来相当长期的影响。<BR>Avoid sleeping quarters that are in a damp area. Provide a dry, snug bed at night. I felt stupid adding this, but I have seen a lot of tortoises allowed to sleep in areas that are totally unsuitable and almost certain to cause eventual respiratory problems. <BR>避免他们睡觉的地方潮湿。晚上提供一个干燥暖和的给他们睡觉的环境。我觉得说着些有些多余,但是我看过很多人让陆龟睡在完全不合适,并且几乎一定会带来呼吸问题的地方。 </P>
<P>Treatment: (对策)<BR>The worst has happened, your tortoise has a runny nose - what should you do? <BR>最坏的事情已经发生了,你的龟龟已经流鼻涕了,你能作些什么呢?<BR>First check that there is no foreign body lodged in the nostril - grass seed, grass etc. If one is found it should be removed without delay and drops used as outlined below to clear up any infection it may have caused. Next, correct any vitamin A deficiency. Supplements can be purchased from your vet or pharmacy. Be careful not to overdose - 1000-5000 iu is the recommended weekly dose, 10,000-20,000iu if a single dose is used. (iu - international units) <BR>首先检查龟龟鼻孔有无异物——草字或者草等等。如果找到,需要立刻清除并依照下一段清除异物造成的感染。然后供给足够的维生素A。补充药可以从你的兽医或者药房购买。小心不要过量 - 推荐每周不超过1000-5000iu。只喂一次最多10000-20000iu。(iu - international units)<BR>If a foreign body is not the culprit, ask your vet (or your normal doctor or pharmacy) for a sterile swab. Take a smear of mucous from his nose and get this sample in to your vet or doctor for immediate testing. The results of this test will tell you which organisms are causing the infection and which antibiotics will work effectively against them. This is most important, it is unrealistic to expect a single antibiotic to <BR>work against all "bugs". Most infections in reptiles are caused by what are known as "gram-negative" organisms, and this knowledge enables a vet to hazard a pretty good guess as to what will work. Thus, if testing is out of the question, and/or while you are waiting for the results of the testing, treatment is commenced with an antibiotic effective against gram-negative organisms. <BR>如果没有异物,向你的兽医或者药房要些医用棉签。从龟龟鼻子上涂抹些黏液,取些样本给你的兽医或者医生做直接的检测。检测结果会告诉你什么微生物造成的感染,什么抗生素对之有效。这是非常重要的。想用一种药物驱除所有的细菌是不切实际的。大多数爬行动物的感染是由阴性微生物造成的,检测结果让兽医能推断出那种药物有效。如果你没有条件化验,或者等着化验结果,那么就用治疗阴性微生物感染的药物进行治疗。<BR>In mild and short standing infections, treatment consists of antibiotic drops given into the nasal chambers once daily. Those most often used are Oxytetracycline (Terramycin), Tylosin, Enrofloxacin (Baytril). First wipe the animal's nose with a disposable paper towel to remove as much mucous as possible. Then a syringe with a short rigid tube is used to instill one drop of antibiotic into each nostril once daily whilst holding the animal in an upright position (to ensure the drug goes well into the nasal cavity). This is best done toward late afternoon before the animal beds down for the night. If the weather is damp or cold it is preferable to place the tortoise in a box indoors at night in a warm area. Beware of using clip-on lamps as these can be dislodged, causing a fire hazard. Severe cases will need to be kept under heat for the duration of treatment. This simple treatment is continued for a week or two after symptoms have disappeared to prevent relapse. Whilst on the subject of antibiotics, bear in mind that some tortoises (Leopard tortoises in particular) are allergic to Baytril. If, of course, the results of the test come back indicating that a different antibiotic is required, you should switch over immediately. Cortisone should never be used as it suppresses the immune system of an already compromised animal. <BR>轻微的和短期感染,每天向龟龟鼻子里滴抗生素。经常用到的有土霉素, 泰乐菌素,Enrofloxacin (Baytril)???. 首先用纸巾擦干净鼻子。然后用针管向每个鼻孔滴入抗生素,同时保持龟龟竖直,每天一次。最好在傍晚,龟龟睡觉前进行。如果环境阴冷,最好把龟龟放到箱子里拿到暖和的地方。不要使用开着的灯,它会带来火灾隐患。龟龟严重时,需要长期至于温暖的环境。这种简单的治疗持续一周或者两周,如果好转谨防复发。记住,上边提到的抗生素有些龟龟会过敏(豹龟最普遍)。如果这样,你需要立刻换一种抗生素。Cortisone(可的松)是绝对不能使用的,他会影响到动物的免疫系统。<BR>While this treatment usually works, remember also that the conditions that initially caused the infection may still prevail (stress, malnutrition, dampness etc.) and that this should be rectified if you wish to avoid relapse. <BR>当这种治疗成功后,不要忘了什么引起的感染,因为它还可能再次引起感染。(压力,营养不良,湿气等等)如果你想避免复发,这些因素需要被纠正。 </P>
<P>This isn't working! (治疗无效)<BR>You have tried the drops, and they don't seem to be working. Now what?Some infections are complicated. More than one organism could be involved, necrotic stomatitis could be complicating the infection, acute or chronic pneumonia could be setting in. There are any number of reasons, and whatever the cause prompt action must be taken. Veterinary advice must be obtained without delay as a course of injectable antibiotic will usually be necessary. These injections are usually given every 48-72 hours because metabolic take-up is slow and the drug could build up in the tortoise's system and reach toxic levels. <BR>你已经尝试了上述治疗,但他们没什么效果。怎么办?一些感染是很复杂的。不只与一种微生物有关,坏死口腔炎会使感染变得很复杂,急性或慢性肺炎可能已经感染。这会有很多原因,但不管怎么样,你必须马上采取行动。必须马上获得兽医的建议,通常需要注射抗生素。注射一般每隔48-72小时一次,因为龟龟的新陈代谢速度很慢。注射药物会在龟龟的体内累积并到达一个危险的浓度。<BR>It is vital to keep the tortoise at a higher temperature for the durationof treatment, this speeds up metabolism and drug distribution and also boosts the animal's immune system. A temperature of around 28-33 degrees is usually recommended. It is most important that hydration be maintained, if the animal is not drinking water your vet can inject fluids subcutaneously (under the skin) or intracoelomically (into the <BR>space between the intestinal canal and body wall). Some drugs affect the renal system and renal failure can result if hydration is not maintained. A course of five to ten injections are usually required, depending on the drug used. Where nephrotoxic drugs (damaging to the renal system) are used they should be injected into the forelimbs, otherwise severe kidney damage could result. With other drugs the rear limbs can be used. In severe cases nebulisation can be used to aid treatment, using the antibiotic recommended by your vet, mixed 1/2 ml antibiotic with 5 ml saline. This should be done 4 times daily if possible. Yes, a tortoise can stop breathing for a considerable time, but a sick animal usually hasn't the strength to do so and there for nebulising does work in a number of cases and certainly should be tried.<BR>治疗期间把龟龟放在一个温暖的环境下是至关重要的。这会加速新陈代谢和药物吸收的速度提高动物的免疫能力。通常推荐温度在28~33摄氏度。最关键的是维持龟龟身体中的水份,如果它不喝水,兽医可以给龟龟皮下输液,或者体腔内注射(肠道外壁和体腔之间)。如果没有足够的水份,有些药物影响肾功能甚至能导致肾衰。一个治疗周期一般5~10次注射,看用什么样的药物了。对肾脏有伤害的药物需要从前肢注射,否则会引起严重的肾脏伤害。其他不对肾脏有伤害的药物则可以在后肢注射。在病情严重的情况下,可以在兽医的建议下使用nebulisation(喷雾方式)进行治疗,混和 1/2ml 抗生素到5ml生理盐水中。如果可能,每天可以进行4次。你的龟可以屏住呼吸很长时间,但是生病的动物通常做不到这点。这时候喷雾在很多情况下管用,你可以试试。<BR>Finally, do not make the mistake of comparing RNS to the human common cold or flu, and think that it will clear by itself if given time. It won't. Treatment is essential, and as soon as possible. The longer RNS is left the more difficult it is to clear. RNS can and does kill, don't let your tortoise become a victim. Inspect nostrils daily if possible and get help fast if you spot any nasal discharge. <BR>最后,不要把RNS想成人们通常意义上的感冒和流感,不要想像龟龟可以自己回复,他们不会的。治疗越快越好。时间越长的RNS,治疗时会越困难。RNS可以杀死你的龟龟,不要让你的龟龟成为牺牲者。每天检查龟龟鼻孔,如果发现任何液体流出,尽快治疗。</P>

发表于 2005-12-25 19:39:00

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